how far does a postage worker travel in one day?

Come wind, snow or rain… our trust mail deliverers are there. It’s National Postage Worker Dat and it got us thinking, how far must they travel to get to us?

Urban Routes

  • Tend to be more compact, with delivery points closer together. Postal workers on foot in urban areas typically cover 4 to 8 miles per day (400 to 800 locations per day).

Suburban Routes

  • More spread out than urban routes, so postal workers may travel 10 to 20 miles per day. (300 to 600 locations per day.)

Rural Routes

  • Can cover the most distance due to the greater spacing between delivery points. Postal workers on rural routes may travel 50 to 100 miles or more per day (often around 100 to 300 locations per day).


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